
How to be an Ideal Playgroundist Citizen

  1. Always obey the 5 Laws(See below). This will guaranty that you stay alive and also put you on the good list. It has been proven that citizens that obey the 5 Laws dies are executed 32% less than citizens that don't.
  2. Always obey your leader. He/She is the most inportant person in the world at the moment, and you should put up posters of Him/Her arouns your house/apartment/condo. If you are requested for a public service(military service, self-sacrifice, etc) be sure to arrive there with a smile on your face. You might get executed if you don't.
  3. Show public Playgroundist devotion. Wear clothing that support Playgroundisim. Put up Playgroundist posters in you house/apartment/condo/box. Sing Playgroundist songs in the street.
  4. Be prepared to sacrifice yoursellf for your leader. He/She is the most important person alive. You are not as important. If he personally requests you to do something, think of it as an honor.

  • Give large donations to your counrty.
  • Sign up for military service.
  • Come to public government rallys
  • Follow the Five Laws

Taken from http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Ideal-Playgroundist-Citizen. Thank you, O great Playgroundist.

Playgroundist Nations Part III

United Arab Emirates
دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Dawlat al-Imārāt al-‘Arabīya al-Muttaḥida

Now this is not your typical Playgroundist nation. There is only a part of it that is Playgroundist. Dubai. Yes the glitzy capital full of tall buildings. This is Playgroundism taken to the extreme. Dubai has made artificial islands and is home to the tallest building in the world.

Da Vinci Tower
Arch Bridge
The Opus
Dubai in the 1990s
Dubai Last Year (2007)
Dubai (2008)

All these pictures indicate the Playgroundist future of Dubai.


Playgroundist Nations Part II

The North Pole

The North Pole, the unsuspected Playgroundist state. T.N.P. is home to Santa Clause and his government. To the untrained eye, T.N.P seems like a happy utopia. The good kids not just in the Fatherland, but all over the world get presents if they are good and the bad kids will get coal. This is apartheid. The season is always joy full in T.N.P. No one realizes that T.N.P. is a backward corrupt country. Santa Clause became leader after a sudden violent coup d'etat in 1968 ousting formed president Rudolfo Nezrujo, who hasnt been seen since. Santa Clause recently promised presedential elections however they have not been filled. Since then the country is deeply divided. Tensions have been rising after the failed 1976 invasion of Canada promopted the condemnation of world leaders.

Santa Clause

Santa Clause seems like a jolly kind hearted follow. However underneath his trademark redsuit, he is a ruthless dictator who has ruled the North Pole under an iron fist for 40 years, crushing all opposition, and turning the traditional Christmas into an undercover way for smuggling and propaganda. Santa Clause is known for his attempts with Coca Cola to overthrow the Canadian government resulting in the Artic Crisis of 1976. He is on cold grounds with the world and the Polar Liberation Army continues to garner support. He has transformed The North Pole's expanding and growing economy into an economy barely surviving on smuggling. He has been pressured to step down


Playgroundist Nations Part I


Turkmenistan is an ideal Playgroundist nation. The first president Saparmyrat Ataýewiç Nyýazow (Saparmurat Niyazov) was hitherto the first president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhammedow (Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow) was elected. He ruled with an iron fist and made very strange laws which correspond with the Playgroundist idealogy. He saw himself to create a Turkmen identity after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He renamed himself Turkmenbashi or leader of all Turkmens. The airport in Ashgabat, streets and schools all over Turkmenistan, a 670-pound meteorite which landed in 1998, and the large port of Krasnovodsk was renamed, guess what? TURKMENBASHI! He also renamed the months. January is now Turkmenbashi and April Gurbansoltan edzhe after his mother. Bread which was called chorek is now also Gurbansoltan edzhe. The image of Turkmenbashi’s face is used as the logo of all three state-run TV stations, and is legally required to appear on every clock and watch face as well as on every bottle of Turkmenbashi brand vodka.

In 2001, not surprisingly, he published the Ruhnama (Persian for Book of the Soul) which included poetry, revisionist history, moral guidelines, and possibly hidden Playgroundist philosophy. It is now required to be displayed in all bookstores and government offices, and next to the Koran in mosques. Memorization of the book is required to graduate from school and to get a state job or even a driver’s license. Schoolchildren spend one entire day once a week reading it. Since all Soviet-era book have been banned, most Turkmen libraries have only the Ruhnama
and other books written by Turkmenbashi (why am I not surprised?). Of course, in 2006 Turkmenbashi made reading the Ruhnama a requirement to get into heaven.

His influence permeated every sphere of Turkmen life. When he quit smoking after major heart surgery in 1997, he ordered all his government ministers to do the same and prohibited smoking in public places. In 2004, he announced a crackdown on young men wearing beards and long hair, and decreed that newscasters could not wear makeup. Why? Because he said he couldn’t tell the male and female news readers apart and this made him uncomfortable . Opera and ballet were outlawed as “unnecessary.” So too was the Internet, video games, opposition political parties (no duh) and pensions for the elderly and disabled. Listening to car radios and the playing of recorded music on television and at public events was forbidden. He even ordered a ban on lip-synching at all cultural events and even at private parties, citing “a negative effect on the development of singing and musical art.”


In Ashgabat, there is a gold statue of him that rotates.

He banned gold tooth caps and gold teeth, and "suggested" that tooth preservation could be more easily accomplished by chewing on bones (?).

In 2000 he ordered that a giant lake be created in the desert along with a huge forest of cedar trees. He said "it would help to moderate Turkmenistan’s climate."
In 2004, he ordered that a giant ice palace be build in the middle of the same desert, the Karakum – the hottest location in central Asia. It will include a zoo with penguins (if ever finished)

His gold statue, boy is he modestTurkmenbashi Brandy
Soon to be home to a large lake and a cedar forest...YA RIGHT

The Ruhnama


Playgroundism Back then and Now a-days

Playgroundism has existed a long time. Look at the maps below.

This is a perfect example of playgroundism. Compare the two maps, you will realize alot has changed due to playgroundism.


The Playgroundist Ideal

The Playgroundist Ideal was a set of political and social ideals started by the philosopher Lord Andrew Van De Poeller in 1914. His laws were simple, to build a government that can use its power to develop the country to their need.

The 5 Laws Are:
  1. A ruler of a nation can build anything he likes and destroy anything he does not like
  2. The people have no voice in the matter
  3. No one has a say in what the leader does except for the occasional corrupt politician with a strong that could topple the leader.
  4. Citizens must adapt quickly and effeciently to the new enviroment.
  5. Anything is legal, anywhere and anytime for the leader.


Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the blog. This blog will contain random posts on many different subjects. Well I will post randomly and there shall be no specific time or date in which I shall post. This blog is meant as a joke.